The organisers of the GLOBSEC 2022 Bratislava Forum kindly ask you to mention the name of the conference in all media outputs (articles, videos, reportages etc.) related to the event. The following variations of its official name can be used: GLOBSEC 2022 Bratislava Forum, GLOBSEC 2022, GLOBSEC.

We kindly ask you to send all your media outputs related to GLOBSEC 2022 Bratislava Forum to [email protected] after publishing them.

PRINT AND RADIO: Please mention the official name of the event in any article, programme or interview reporting on GLOBSEC’s events (panels, interviews, press conferences, side events or other meetings).

TELEVISION: Please mention and visibly display the event’s logo in any programme or interview report-ing on GLOBSEC’s events. The logo can be downloaded from the official website.

PHOTOS: Please mention the official name of the event when publishing any photo taken at the GLOB-SEC 2022 Bratislava Forum. You can use photos published by the organisers on the official website, social networks, FTP server, Flickr or photos distributed by the organisers via e-mail and other means, but please make sure to always mention the source!

ONLINE PUBLICATIONS: Please mention the official name of the event in any article or interview re-porting on GLOBSEC’s events (panels, interviews, press conferences, side events or other meetings). Please always add a link to GLOBSEC’s official website (

LIVE STREAMING: Please inform us if you wish to use our video live streaming on your website for free. We will provide you with all technical details. Please make sure to mention the official name of the event and include a link to GLOBSEC’s official website ( In addition, detailed information about the conference program should be visibly displayed.

SOCIAL MEDIA: When referring to the conference on social media, please mention the official names of our pages: Facebook: @GLOBSECforum ( Twitter: @GLOBSEC (

Instagram: @globsecthinktank (

HASHTAGS (#): Please use the official hashtags of the conference and its side events for any social media coverage related to it:

GLOBSEC 2022 Bratislava Forum: #GLOBSEC2022


Olívia Strapeková, Director, Communications and Marketing

Mobile: +421 911 724 117; Email: [email protected]

Henrieta Kunová

Mobile: +421 904 869 303; Email: [email protected]



Media representatives of the GLOBSEC 2022 Bratislava Forum will have access to our free wi-fi in the Media Centre.

Password: Media2022



Throughout the GLOBSEC 2022 Bratislava Forum, all necessary documents, including press releases and photos, will be available to media on our FTP server. They will be uploaded regularly throughout the whole duration of the Forum. If you wish to obtain video material, please contact our media team. All video material will be provided to you upon request.

Please, use the following link to log in:

Here is a short guide on how to download files from the FTP server in 2 steps:

1. Login name: Media

Password: s0IOGTfpNxoj

2. Click on File Station and choose the folder GLOBSEC 2022 Bratislava Forum: