Daniel Eriksson is the CEO of Transparency International’s Secretariat in Berlin. Hejoined in 2019 as Head of Technology. Prior to his appointment in 2021, Eriksson served as an Interim Managing Director of the Transparency International Secretariat. During his professional life, Eriksson has worked in both the private and not-for-profit sectors for entities including the Swedish government, the United Nations, the European Commission, civil society organizations, and more. His role as a military peacekeeper in the former Yugoslavia inspired him to work in the humanitarian sector. Subsequent work in sustainable development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East redirected his focus towards corruption as an obstacle to human development. He is a passionate anti-corruption advocate and a strong believer of the role of technology in global efforts to end corruption. Eriksson holdsa BSc in Information Systems Analysis from Linköping University and a PhD from Coventry University.