Building Resilience in a Divided World
GLOBSEC 2022 Bratislava Forum is the most important international strategic conference on the frontlines of the new divided world. The Forum will serve as a platform for CEE countries to call for action of the West and its democratic partners across the globe.
Mobilize support & action for Ukraine and broader European neighbourhood
How can EU/West overcome our limitations and offer more intense and comprehensive support to Ukraine (in economic, military, humanitarian sector)?
What measures the international community must enforce to support Ukraine’s economy?
Western Balkans
What can the Transatlantic community do differently in and with the Western Balkans in order to increase democratic resilience of the region and neutralise any attempt of malign interference?
What should the EU change in its approach so that we consolidate the WB as part of a democratic Europe United and Free?
Eastern Neighbourhood
What immediate steps can the EU and NATO take to ensure that the Eastern neighbourhood is not left to face Russia by itself? What is the longer-term perspective we can offer to our Eastern neighbours?
And Beyond
How can we support democratic societies worldwide? How to build up a global league of resilient democracies that can withstand pressure from non-democratic stakeholders? What is the role of Europe in this endeavour?
Mobilize resources of the west to strenghten resilience at home
Developing Resilience in Energy
What measures should the EU take to strengthen its energy security?
How can the energy transition be a way out of energy dependency on Russia?
Increasing Economic Resilience
What kind of trade system can and should the West aim to shape in the de-globalised world?
What is the extent, impact, and potential implications of current supply chain challenges in the world, and what are the solutions for recovery?
Democratic Resilience & Tech Competition
How can we make sure that West will remain to be the most respected global standard-setter in the splinternet era?
How can we (West) increase our tech competitiveness against China?
How should the EU boost its tech sovereignty and stimulate investment and growth in the tech sector?
Democratic Resilience & Tech Competition
How can we make sure that West will remain to be the most respected global standard-setter in the splinternet era?
How can we (West) increase our tech competitiveness against China?
How should the EU boost its tech sovereignty and stimulate investment and growth in the tech sector?
From Cyber Security to Cyber Resilience
How can we build up a joint cyber resilience force in the EU and US?
How to strengthen cyber capabilities – is the best defence a good offense?
Security as a Backbone of Deterrence
How should the NATO defence policy be recalibrated reflecting the newly emerged challenges?
An efficient system of European Defence – How to turn the dream into reality?
What is the future of battlefield considering the experience from Ukraine?
Pivotal role of new technologies in the future of warfare – What are the lesson learned based on Ukraine countering Russia?
Resilient Societies = The Underestimated Guardian of Democracy
How can we strengthen democracies and make them more resilient against both internal and external challenges and threats?
How to tackle information operations and propaganda in media? How to cultivate free factual media? How can we fight disinformation efficiently?
What measures can the civil society do to counter anti-democratic forces?
Adapting to Climate Change, Maintaining Economic Growth
Given current challenges, in what way does the European Union need to adjust its „Fit for 55“ goals?
How to unite the EU Member States around the necessity of a green transition while maintaining economic growth, especially in times of a war that shakes up global economy?
Mobilize Global Coalitions to Defend Democracy
Strategy of West towards Russia under Putin and post-Putin
What should be the Transatlantic gameplay towards Putin’s Russia?
What is the most optimal way how to utilise sanctions o?n Putin’s regime as a real deterrence
Scenarios for Russia post-Putin
How to prepare for a post-Putin Russia (fostering civil society, free media)?
What strategies can the West put in place to ensure Russia’s re-engagement into the democratic world in the post-Putin era?
The future of West – China relations
What dangers or opportunities does China see in the Russia-Ukraine conflict? How to prevent Chinese invulnerability as a result of its efforts to decouple from West-based systems (economic, political, etc.)?
What are the areas where the West can (and should) constructively cooperate with China?
What global coalitions can we build to buttress democratic tech partnerships?